contemporary dance professor
Emmanuelle Vincent
video professor
Pierre Larauza
t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e has been leading dance-video workshops
for professionals dancers or artists interested in dance.
We also offer for children a dance-video workshop
combining with live-drawing.
Dance-video workshops
Stills images from the dance-film made during
the Dance Camp workshop @ the Beijing Dance Festival 2013
Workshops given
QUT Queensland University of Technology
February 2014 , Brisbane (Australie)
Inshadow festival
December 2013, Lisboa (Portugal)
Dance camp
@ Beijing Dance Festival
July 2013, Beijing (China)
Dance-film made during the Dance Camp workshop,
Beijing Dance Festival 2013
for Adults or Kids
Feel free to contact us
for further details
if you are interested by us to give a similar workshop.
Adult workshop
"Contemporary dance for camera"
Leaded by the choreographer Emmanuelle Vincent
and the filmmaker Pierre Larauza, art directors
of the belgian contemporary dance
company t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e
This workshop Contemporary Dance for Camera will teach contemporary dance in an innovative way. The classes will be an unique opportunity for emerging and established dancers to explore dance/movement for the camera under the mentorship of international professionals from Belgium.
Film dance are becoming an inspiring field and many dancers are offered to dance for filmmakers projects. Beside this, live video have been more and more used by choreographers in contemporary dance performances.
Emmanuelle Vincent has developed teaching methods for improvisation and composition directed towards young or established dancers. Most of her methods are specific tool sets that lead to artistic project drafts.
Pierre Larauza has been working for nearly 10 years with dance and video and will sum up in the classes the technical aspects of dance in front of the camera.
Dancers will learn contemporary dance skills as well as how to choreograph the movement for the camera, write the dance through specific camera framings.
Dancing with the camera is actually a special technique which needs to be taught : a dancer doesn’t put the same intensity at the same place in front of a camera or in front of an audience on stage.
The workshop is designed to foster their abilities as a dance improviser and composer.
Each class, they will have a warm up contemporary class, a class for dance improvisation and composition then a specific work for the camera.
The workshop will be an unique experience for dancers who want to dive into the world of dance film making. It will discover and explore personal creativity of the participants through practical and site specific exercises that will inspire the group carrying out a dance video.
Kid workshop
"Live video & Drawing"
In collaboration with the artist Thy Truong Minh, the workshop is leaded by the choreographer Emmanuelle Vincent
and the filmmaker Pierre Larauza, art directors
of the belgian contemporary dance
company t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e
Workshop given @ Centre culutrel Wolubilis June 2012, Brussels
t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e gave a dance and video workshop for children with live drawing.