​50' indoor and outdoor dance performance​ by Pierre Larauza and Emmanuelle Vincent / t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e
Chambre(s) d'hôtel
Premiere in 2008
In this creation, the dance company t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e explores the
relationship between fiction and reality in a public space andwith a high degree of participation.
Chambre(s) d’Hôtel is an urban installation combining a performance and a radio interview. A single architectural object, a hybrid and technoid caravan, combines a piece of fiction and a reality which are layered on top of each other during the 2 x
50 minutes of the performance.
Chambre(s) d’Hôtel is a travelling hybrid device, an urban transplant that is experienced as a transit location loaded with possibilities, a breaking moment where each encounter defines the next day. Experimental film, dance and a testimonial are layered together, forming a narrative puzzle in this tense piece of work that is all about identities and territory.
Teaser of Chambre(s) d'hôtel
Full video recording available on request for professionnals (feel free to contact us)
​​Scenography & ​choreography
Pierre Larauza + Emmanuelle Vincent
Emmanuelle Vincent
Ana Cembrero Coca
Alfredo Fernandez Atienza
Live musician
Jorge Pique Rodriguez
Recorded music
Alexander MacSween
Live video editing
Pierre Larauza
​Interviewer & interviewe
local guests
Technical manager
Serge Payen
In co-production with
Manège Scène nationale de Maubeuge, Manège.mons/Maison Folie, CECN2 centre des écritures contemporaines et numériques, TechnocITé and transcultures
With the support of
WBI Wallonie-Bruxelles International, Tournées Art et Vie, WBTD Wallonie Bruxelles Théâtre Danse

Centre Culturel Jacques Franck at Morichar Square, 2021, Brussels (Belgium)
Festival des Tchafornis, 2019, Centre Culturel d'Engis (Belgium)
Respace, 2014, Ixelles (Belgium)
Rencontres Art Vu, 2014, Amiens (France)
Augusti TantsuFestival, 2011, Tallinn (Estonia) ​​
Nuit Blanche de Bruxelles, 2010, Brussels (Belgium)​
Festival FACYL, 2010, Salamanca (Spain)
Festival Mötel Mozaique, 2010, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Festival Electron, 2010, Geneva (Switzerland)
Festival DansCamDanse, video screening of Chambre(s) d'Hôtel, 2009, Ghent (Belgium)
Biennale de Charleroi-danses, 2009, Charleroi (Belgium)
​Festival Chalon dans la rue, 2009, Chalon-sur-Saône (France)​
Festival Nouveaux auteurs, 2009, Halle (Germany)
Festival EXIT, 2009, Créteil (France)
Festival VIA, 2009, Mons (Belgium)​
​​La Nuit Blanche de Paris, 2008, Paris (France)
Festival Les Folies / City Sonic, 2008, Maubeuge (France)