Since 2003, Pierre Larauza and Emmanuelle Vincent have been exploring movement through contemporary hybrid forms in an intercultural approach. The creations of t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e., at the crossroads of several artistic disciplines but organically integrated into the choreographic scene, are declined according to the project in the form of a scenic performance, an urban performance, a performative installation or even films. Dancer, visual artist, scenographer, directors and choreographers, the roles of Pierre and Emmanuelle intertwine; the concept of speciality gradually fades away to nourish their common multidisciplinary nature. They also feed their creativity from their sensory experiences abroad and are very active in Vietnam in the framework of a bilateral cooperation with the University of Fine Arts of Ho Chi Minh City.
Artistic directors Pierre ​​​Larauza & ​​Emmanuelle Vincent​​
Production and administration Sílvia Gutiérrez Kirchner
Tour manager | Diffusion Manon André
Technical director Serge Payen
« Going beyond borders. For fifteen years our passion is to build bridges between cultures, in response to our own mixed lives and to the world of nowadays, that we would love in peace and altruistic. Asia and Africa have been in our daily lives as artists and love partners. Our new project «20 October 1968, Mexico», beyond a documentary tribute to Dick Fosbury’s sporting irreverence, is an ode to «territorial freedom» through the allegory of the obstacle frontier, symbolized by a wall that can be overcome mentally if not physically. Our manifesto is to renounce all the border-walls, whether geographical, political, cultural or intimate. »â€‹
Pierre Larauza & Emmanuelle Vincent​
Feel free to email us if you wish to collaborate on our next production. We are looking for interns.
​> feel free to contact us !​​
​​​​2003-2023​ collaborators
​Lazara Rosell Albear (Cuba/Be), dancer / XL Pleasures
Michaël Alsteen (Be), technician (2008-2010) / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Bertrand Baudry (Fr), video artist (2010) / Urban Distortions
Corinne Bertrand (Fr), writer (2006-2007) / Call shop
Fedrik de Beul (Be), co-administrator
Hadrian Bnin-Bninski (Be), real-time video technician (2008-2010) / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Sylvain Boisvert (Fr), set designer (2010-1011) / Urban Distortions
Alain Bourgeois (Be), secretary de La Confiserie
Marion Bougues (Fr), set design intern (2013) / XL Pleasures + La Confiserie + Matongé-Europe
Bruno Camiade (Fr), composer, musician (2004) / Insert coin
Carlyshemoss (Hong Kong), composer, singer (2003-2004) / Over the game
Ana Cembrero Coca (Espagne/Belgique), dancer / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel + Insert coin + XL Pleasures
Fred Chemama (Be), video artist / Urban Distortions
Samantha Conty (Fr), actress (2004-2007) / Insert coin​ + Call shop
Cécile Cozzolino (Fr), actress, writer (2006-2010) / Insert coin​ + Call shop + Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Julien Coene (Be), actor, dancer (2008) / Call shop
Elodie Delaigle (F, Be), administrator​​​ (2011-2012)
Claire Dubien (Fr), costumière (2007) / Call shop
Séverine Faramond (Fr), singer, actress / Insert coin
Alfredo Fernandez Atienza (Espagne), actor / Call shop + Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Benjamin Foucart (Be), video technician (2007) / ​Call shop​
Leila Fourgeaud (Fr), set design intern (2011) / Urban Distortions
Clara Guemas (Fr), dance teacher (2009-2012) / La Confiserie
Matthieu Ha (Fr/Be/Vietnam), composer, singer, musician / Urban Distortions + Landscape duet
Sarah Jacobs (Be), graphic designer, set design assistant (2004-2011) / Insert coin​ + Call shop + Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Friederike Kaiser (Allemagne/Be), administratror (2009-2010) / Call shop
Mikaël Larrieu (Fr), composer ( 2004-2008) / Insert coin​
Ruffin Lumbaba (RDC Congo), extra (2007-2008) / Call shop
Alexander MacSween (Canada), composer, musician / Call shop + Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Guillaume Martigné (France), cello artist / Urban Distortions
Olga Mandel Ndaya (Angola/Belgique), assistant administration, performer / Urban Distortions
Eric Mercenier (Belgium), soudeur / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel + XL Pleasures
Raquel Morais (Bresil/Be), set designer (2010-2011) / Urban Distortions
Héritier Mukendi (RDC Congo/Belgique), dancer (2007-2008) / Call shop
Charles Ngombengombe (Zimbabwe), dancer / Urban Distortions + XL Pleasures
Jodi Aleen Obeid (Usa), dancer (2004) / Insert coin
Serge Payen (Be), technical director
Claire Pellegrin (Be), dance teacher / La Confiserie
Jorge Piquer Rodriguez (Espagne/Be), composer, musician / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel + An African walk in the land of China + landscape duet
Manuel Ramos (Be/Espagne), technician & assistant
Rebecca Shelley (UK), theater teacher / La Confiserie
Maxim Surin (Russia/Be), programming/interface for real-time video (2008-2009) / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Sara Tan (Singapoure), dancer / Urban Distortions + XL Pleasures
Thy Truong Minh (Vietnam/Be), performer-drawer / Urban Distortions + Landscape duet​
Ivy Tsui Yik Chit (Hong Kong), dancer / Landscape duet + Urban Distortions
Daan Vermote (Be), technician (2009-2011) / Chambres(s) d'Hôtel
Miss Vee (Thaïland), styliste (2010) / Urban Distortions
Mike Wong (Hong Kong), styliste / Over the game + Urban Distortions + Landscape Duet
Pierre Parage, (Be) technician
Manuela Fiori, dancer / La Confiserie
Pierre-Philippe ayoh kré Duchâtelet / La Centrifugeuse
Sebastian Baasleer, DJ / journée intergénérationnelle
Guy Wouete / La Centrifugeuse
Pierre Barrette / La Confiserie
Lucie Yerles, dancer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Nil Gorkem, dancer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Marianne Chargois / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Ibrahima Baye Diop, performer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Robert Natan, performer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Hazel las, Dancer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Tommy Chia-Hung Chung, dancer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Toufik Cherifi, dancer / Une Anatomie de Mouvements
Geneviève Francart, dancer / 20 October 1968
Severine Faramond / Insert Coin
Thomas Grivegnée
Thomas le Hoang (Dang), musician / Mutante
Adrien Lengrand, video creator
Adèle Bourret, dancer / La Confiserie
Paula Almiron, dancer / La Confiserie
Sam Charlie /Landscape duet
Dave Cheng Ka Lok / An African walk in the land of China
Min He / An African walk in the land of China
Tengteng Hu / An African walk in the land of China
Matthieu Jamet / 20 October 1968 + Urban distortions
Ibrahim Kali Kaba / An African walk in the land of China
Keith Kuk / Landscape duet
Ka bo Lai / An African walk in the land of China
Pianpian Li / An African walk in the land of China
Shengxiong – Gandhi Li / An African walk in the land of China
Evelyne Ling Li / An African walk in the land of China
Ke marK Ma / An African walk in the land of China
Aaron Michelson / Landscape Duet
Mariel Nyrop / Landscape Duet
Rachel Suen / Landscape Duet
Joseph Tai / Landscape Duet
Zhiren Xiao / An African walk in the land of China
Jean Xu / An African walk in the land of China
Paul Yip / Landscape Duet
Lijun - Eleven Yu / An African walk in the land of China
Choi Yu Hong / Landscape Duet
Congbin – Congcong Zhang / An African walk in the land of China
Jianrui – Jerry Zhao / An African walk in the land of China
Zora Zu / An African walk in the land of China
Shoubi or Not? / Insert coins
Jonas Bernert
Justine Cerami
Christine Heyraud
Laëtitia Lemaître
Ani Basikyian
Jérémy de Greef
Louis Luyten
Marion Cambier
Marianne Chargois
Mathilde Roman
Marion Bougues
Maëva Vitrac
Lilou Perrier
Lou Delannoy
Franziska Peschel
Daphnée Quentin