​5 May 2013​ Théâtre Molière (Porte de Namur, Ixelles)
​​Spectacle ​
de fin d'année
​Weekly classes:
Chaussée d’Alsemberg 596 - 1180 Uccle ​
(with the music school Music Town)​​
Holidays trainings & Fine art classes:​
​Rue Emile Banning 49 - 1050 Ixelles​
(with the kind support of Truong Son)
For infos visit laconfiserie.be​
Spectacle de fin d'année 2012 ​
DVD disponible sur demande
​art director
Emmanuelle Vincent​
Pierre Larauza
Alain Bourge​ois
dance professors
Emmanuelle Vincent​
Ana Cembrero Coca
Marion Rhéty
Barbara Roman
Claire Pelgrims​
Emmanuelle Vincent
Rebecca Shelley
fine art
Thy Truong Minh
Pierre Larauza
In 2013
Set design workshop for children​​
3 children were working in Brussels with La Confiserie
on the set design for the final year performance.
This weekly workshop was leaded
by Pierre Larauza and Thy Truong Minh. ​​
infos:​ ​laconfiserie.be​​​
​Since September 2007, t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e ​has
been leading the performing art school La Confiserie​
with contemporary dance and theatre for children,
teenagers and adults.